High-Throughput Interaction Data Matrix Analysis
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Available Tools:

  • CYTOSCAPER: prepares input for network analysis applications such as Cytoscape or Visant info

  • OUTPUT FOR MOTIF/CONSENSUS ANALYSIS: returns a 'thesholdable' list of peptides binding to a given protein info

  • DATA TRANSFORMATION for selectivity/promiscuity analysis info

  • 'SORT AND CUT' lines according to an input peptide list info

  • COLLAPSER: if a peptide is present in more than one line of the file, all these lines are averaged in a single line info

  • THRESHOLDER: if in a line of the interaction data matrix none of the values is equal or above the defined threshold, the line is discarded info

  • GRAPHER: draws a picture corresponding to the input data matrix info
  • Analyse a Stored File

    Upload a New File for Analysis

    Please read: File Format

    Required info:

    The spacer used in your file to delimit data

    Select the file from your hard disk

    A web application written in Python by Andrea Cabibbo