Build a spam free guestbook or comments system
Sick about spam? Had to close your previous guestbook because of spam? This is
the comments script for you.
- Users are required to read a security code from an image
(captcha) to validate the posts. This prevents guestbook spam by blocking the
automated posting software (also known as "spam bots") used by spammers.
Nowadays, it is plain impossible to keep a guestbook spam free without a
system to efficiently discriminate between humans and "software agents". Our
captcha feature provides such a system
- To further control potentially offensive or otherwise unwanted posts,
the administrator can manage a customized badwords list. Posts containing
badwords will be rejected. Our badwords utility also supports regular
expressions, for more experienced users, however ordinary badwords
administration can be done by anybody and does not require any specific
technical knowledge. A badwords base is already built into the script by
default, and provides a good average protection against potentially
offending/unwanted posts. However we recognise that the concept of
"offensive", and the level of tolerance for defined words or expressions can
vary depending on the administrator. This is why the list is entirely
customizable. You are in control here
- The script comes pre-configured with a block for the most common treats
in terms of possibly harmful html tags such as script tags, iframe tags
etcetera. Again, you can easily add or remove tags from the list, according
to what you feel is appropiate for your pages
- You can easily ban particular IPs or entire IP classes
- Last but not least, the Enhanced version and the Website Comments System
feature a "moderation mode". This can be turned on in administration. When
activated, each post has to be approved by admin before actually being
posted to the comments page. This is quite a final, definitive weapon to
keep unwanted messages off the board and have full control over your pages
multiple lines of defense against spammers and annoying posters that you will
get with our software

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